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Summer wagashi (Waka-ayu, Kohaku-tou)

Wagashi is works of art.
I plan to introduce Japanese sweets in this blog from time to time.
By researching traditional Japanese sweets, I learn a lot about Japanese events and history, and I also learn a lot about myself.

This time, I introduce Japanese summer

The right side of the photo is 
若鮎(わかあゆ)Waka-ayu and 
the left side is 
若鮎 (わかあゆ)Wa-ayu
Waka-ayu is made with gyuhi wrapped in an oval sponge cake, shaped into a semicircle, and marked with an eye and fins.

The cross-section looks like this.
It is filled with gyuhi. Gyuhi is one of the materials of Japanese confectionery and a kind of rice cake made by kneading. It has a sticky texture. Japanese people love the sticky texture of mochi.
Me too, of course.🤗

About ayu fish
Ayu fish is called the queen of clear streams and can only be found in beautiful rivers.
In Japan, we are allowed to fish from June to July.
Ayu fishing involves standing in the shallows of a mountain stream and using a long fishing rod. Surrounded by the sea and many rivers, fishing is one of the most popular pastimes in Japan.
Some stores sell (鮎の塩焼き) grilled ayu near the river. Eating ayu fish in the middle of nature is very special.

Kohaku means amber and to means sugar. Kohaku is a confectionery made with agar-agar that is known for a unique combination of textures. It’s crusty on the outside with a juicy center.
The history of amber sugar is long and began in the Edo period. At that time, sugar was quite a luxury item.

Recently, they have become increasingly popular as instagramable sweets. The ingredients and recipe are simple, so more and more people are making them by hand.

There's also this article.


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