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Seasonal decorations with chopstick rests 箸置き(はしおき)

Chopstick rests are used to keep the tips of the chopsticks from sticking to the table.
A creative use of chopstick rests can make your dining table more enjoyable. If you use chopstick at home, try to enjoy the chopstick rests as well.

Introducing my chopstick rests
I'll show you the chopstick rests I have. I choose them according to the season and my mood.
Japanese style

The glass material is mainly used in summer.

Spring Style

Animal Chopstick Rests
I think squirrels are good to use in the fall.
The polar bear chopstick rest on the far left looks good for summer.

Chopstick rests that would go well with Western food
I like to use mushrooms in autumn.

Chopstick rests can be used not only for their original purpose, but also as a stylish little accessory to add a seasonal touch to the table.

Stylish presentation of a friend
When I was invited to dinner at a friend's house, she used a flower from her garden as a chopstick rest.
It was a very nice gesture that got the conversation going.

I don't have a photo of this day, but I found a website of a person who uses flowers as chopstick rests, and I would like to introduce it to you.


Origami Chopstick Rests
I found a website that shows how to make chopstick rests with origami that could be used in the fall.

Try to create a sense of season with things around you.
If you have any great ideas, please let me know.

How to make a chopstick rest from a chopstick bag
In Japan, it is considered bad manners to place chopsticks on top of a bowl.
So what do you do when you go out to eat and there are no chopstick rests provided?

If you have a chopstick bag, I would lightly fold it to make a chopstick rest. It's very simple to make.

It is not formal etiquette to fold the chopstick bag, but in casual restaurants without chopstick rests, you do not need to stick to that etiquette.

I was surprised to hear the news that an American columnist made crane chopstick rests with great skill at the recent Tokyo Olympics.👍✨✨

I found another website that shows how to make chopstick rests using chopstick bags, so I'll introduce it here.

It's a good way to create a little buzz.😉

When you don't have chopstick rests or chopstick bags
If you don't have a chopstick bag, place the tips of the chopsticks in front of the plate.

This way of placing chopsticks is called "渡し箸(わたしばし) passing chopsticks" and is bad manners.
Many Japanese people don't know about it, so you hardly need to worry about it, but it's good to know.

I hope your meals will be more enjoyable.😉


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