It is said that Japanese people are time sensitive. That may be so.
It's a bit complicated because the rules can change based on different scenarios.
Today, I would like to talk about the etiquette rules for meeting on time.
Meeting up with a friend
Until you know what kind of feeling the other person has about the meeting time, it is safe to arrive on time or 5 to 10 minutes early. Some people come up to 30 minutes early.
If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late due to unavoidable circumstances, let the person know as soon as you know the estimated time of arrival. Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone, so it is very convenient.
With friends who have known each other for a long time, I adjust the meeting time in advance so that one of us doesn't wait too long, but if there is a possibility that both of us will be late, I try to find a better place to meet.
Meeting place with my friends
A good meeting place is a place where we can sit and let our minds wander, such as a café or a shopping mall. In summer and winter, the meeting place should be indoors if possible.
However, if it becomes clear on the day of the meeting that I will be late, I will let my friends know my arrival time earlier. That way, my friends can think about how to spend their time while waiting for me.
Time to visit home
If you are invited to a house, it is good manners to be five to ten minutes later than the appointed time. Are you surprised?
This is a time to be considerate of your hosts who have a lot of work to do in preparation.
For work
When it comes to work, you should never be late. Not only will you be penalized, but you will also lose your credibility. If you are going to be late for any reason, notify the company of your situation and arrival time as soon as you know.
A phone call, not a messaging app, is the appropriate way to contact your boss.
The start time of the meeting is also accurate.
Try to be in the meeting room five minutes early so that you can be on standby to prevent other members from taking extra time.
If the train is delayed
In Japan, even if a train is three minutes late, an announcement is made. If you are going to be late due to a delayed train, check the estimated time of arrival and contact your supervisor.
Don't forget to ask for a "遅延証明(ちえんしょうめい) " delay certificate" at the ticket gate of the station where you arrive. This delay certificate will eliminate the penalty for being late, so submit it when you arrive at the office.
"遅延証明(ちえんしょうめい) " can also be used in important situations such as interviews and exams.
Visiting business partners
If you are visiting a business partner, it is good to arrive five minutes early.
They have reserved a meeting room for their conference.
If you arrive too early or too late, you will inconvenience them.
Plan ahead so that you can arrive about 30 minutes before the meeting, taking into account traffic jams and train delays.
Once you have confirmed the location of the office, wait outside until the time is up.
Arrive in front of the office 10 minutes early and announce your arrival 5 minutes before the appointment.
For interviews
If you are going to an interview, it is best to arrive 10 minutes early, as the reception may take some time. However, if your appointment is at 1:00 p.m., right after the lunch break, five minutes earlier is recommended. This is so that you don't interrupt the other person's lunch break.
What do you think?
The rules in Japan may be a little more complicated, but the basic rule is to consider the situation of the person you are meeting.
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