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The company drinking party in Japan (1)

I heard from a foreigner living in Japan that he was surprised to see how many Japanese women like beer.
What is the percentage of beer lovers in other countries?

What percentage of people love beer?
There was a survey of 363 people between the ages of 20 and 49.
In the survey, 69.3% of men said they liked beer, compared to 41.2% of women.

Percentage of beer lovers by gender and generation The percentage of both men and women in their 20s has dropped.

40s 78.1%
30s 72.7%
20s 56.1%

40s 42.4%
30s 51.6%
20s 30.3%

I don't know if this percentage is higher than other countries, but looking at the percentage by generation, I thought it was interesting and reflected the way Japanese working style, so I would like to write about my personal opinion.🧐


How did your first beer taste?
I have a question for all you beer lovers. Did you enjoy the first beer you drank? Many of you may have said, "It was bitter and didn't taste good.
However, haven't you ever had the experience of forcing yourself to drink it at first, because you wanted to prove that you were an adult?
In Japan, we are allowed to drink alcohol from the age of 20, but many men have done in this way and started drinking beer a little earlier than that.

For women, the first opportunity to try bitter and unappetizing beer may be at a drinking party.
There are no drinking parties now because of the pandemic, so please read this article as a story about times before.

Purpose of the company drinking party
Long working hours in Japan are well known. Although this is improving with the reform of working styles, many people probably spend more time with their colleagues at work than with their families on weekdays.
Drinking parties may be a shortcut to a better relationship with our co-workers.

Relaxing and listening to them talk about our hobbies and family can help us build a relationship. A person's physical condition and family environment can affect his or her work. By talking about it with our boss or colleagues at the company drinking party, we can expect them to take it into consideration.

When I was struggling at work, one of my friends advised me to have dinner with people who disagreed with me and talk about it.
As a result of having dinner with people who disagreed with me and talking about our true feelings, we realized that we both had the same goal, we just had different ways of getting there, and we were able to talk about how we could help each other reach our goals. 😉
This is something that is hard to do when we are busy at work.

The first drink of a party is a beer.
In Japan, the first drink of a drinking party often starts with beer. If there are a lot of people, the person ordering will say, "Who wants a beer, raise your hand." and 
"All others, please raise your hands."

At this point, even if we want to drink something other than beer, no one will say so. If we ask for something other, it will be a hassle for the person ordering and it will take a long time for the drinks to be served.
The party does not start until the toast is made. This is a way to shorten the time it takes to make the toast.
Perhaps this is what is often referred to as "空気(くうき)を読(よ)む Read between the lines " in Japan.

It is for the same reason that people who cannot drink alcohol often choose oolong tea.

How to make a toast at an official drinking party
Here's how to make an official business toast.
When the drinks are ready in front of everyone, everyone takes a glass. There are times when we stand up.
The representative will make a small speech and give a toast. After the representative says "乾杯(かんぱい)Cheers," everyone says "乾杯(かんぱい)Cheers" and lightly clink glasses with those around them.🍻

The Japanese way to do this is to hold your glass lower than your boss's when you clink glasses with him/her. Make eye contact with the person in the distance, lightly lift your own glass, and only take up the gesture of toasting.

After making a toast, take a sip and then place the glass on the table. In my opinion, this is the beginning of women's appreciation of bitter beer. In my experience, that's how I gradually came to enjoy beer.😁🍻

It's going to be very long, so I'll continue in the next article. Please wait for me.😉


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