I've been thinking about it ever since I heard a month ago from a friend who is in an international relationship that her Japanese partner doesn't say "I love you" very often.🤔
I finally got my thoughts together, so please read on. 🧐It's very long, so I'm going to split it into several parts.
Don't Japanese people really say "愛(あい)してる I love you"?
I asked three of my colleagues who are married. "Have you ever said '愛(あい)してるI love you' to someone you're dating or to your husband?"
After two seconds of thought🤔, they replied,
I changed the question. "If you had to say it three times in your life, when would you say it? Would you say it at your wedding or when you die?" The women thought for a second and asked me back. "Would you say it? You wouldn't.
"The word '愛(あい)してるI love you' is just for songs and dramas, at least that’s the case in the Kansai area."😆
I'm sorry for the lack of data, but it certainly doesn't seem to be used in the Kansai area.
"But," one of them said, a little embarrassed.🤭 She just got married a month ago. "I don't say 愛(あい)してるI love you, but I say 好(す)きI love you💕 a lot," she said.
I don't feel comfortable with the translation.
In my personal opinion, I feel a little uncomfortable with this translation of "I love you=愛(あい)してる".
私個人の意見ですが、私はこの「I love you=愛してる」の翻訳に少し違和感があります。
"I think "I love you." is better translated as "好(す)き" or "大好(だいす)き".
I think "I love you" is used more casually by native speakers, as a greeting to family and friends. Isn't that right?
「I love you.」の翻訳は「好き」とか「大好き」がしっくりくるような気がします。
「I love you」はネイティブにとってはもっとカジュアルで、家族や友人にも挨拶ぐらいの感覚で気軽に使われている気がします。違いますか?
For Japanese people, "好(す)き" and "大好(だいす)き" have a similar feeling. "We say, "お母(かあ)さん、好(す)きI love you🤗, mother." In some cases, the object is not a person. For example, "チョコレート大好(だいす)きI love chocolate.😋"
A wonderful translation of Soseki Natsume
I would like to share with you the story of a famous Japanese writer, Soseki Natsume, who wrote a wonderful translation of "I love you".
Soseki Natsume (1867-1916) was one of Japan's most famous writers, and wrote books such as "こころ Kokoro", "吾輩(わがはい)は猫(ねこ)であるI am a Cat" , and "坊(ぼ)っちゃん Botchan (Master Darling)".
He once studied in England for the study of English literature.
日本で有名な夏目漱石という作家が「I love you.」の素晴らしい翻訳をしたというエピソードを紹介します。
Soseki Natsume, when he was an English teacher, said to his student who translated "I love you" as "我(われ)君(きみ)を愛(あい)す(←😉This is old wording, we don't use it anymore.)", He said, "Japanese people don't say that, you should translate it as "月(つき)が綺麗(きれい)ですね。The moon is beautiful, isn't it?".
英語教師をしていた頃の夏目漱石が、「I love you」を「我君を愛す」と翻訳した教え子を見て、「日本人はそんなことは言わない。月が綺麗ですねとでも訳しておけ」なんて言ったというエピソードがあります。
However, the source of this episode is not known, and I don't know if it is true or not.
But I think this is much more heartfelt than the translation "愛してるI love you".
When you see something beautiful, do you ever think of someone else? Maybe that person was someone you loved.
I'm sure the person you want to show that beautiful thing to, or see it with, is someone you love.
Looking up at the same moon and thinking about each other is kind of romantic, isn't it?🤗✨💕
In today's world, I do not recommend using this word for your first confession. And if the other person doesn't know about this episode, they might not get the message.😅
Look forward to the next article.😉
Aside from translation issues, Japanese people may not be used to exchanging direct words of love, hugs and kisses, even between lovers.
There are very few people in Japan who hug or kiss each other, especially in public.
I personally believe that this is related to the unique housing situation in Japan. I will explain about this in my next article.😉
If you're interested in Japanese literature, take a look at this too.
To read more of Soseki Natsume's works, click here.
面白い文化のポイントですね!フランス人は"je t'aime"とよく言います。妻ととかお子さんととか、両親ととか