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Summer wagashi (warabi-mochi)

Warabi-mochi(わらび餅) is another representative of summer Japanese sweets.

A chilled chewy Mochi like desert that has a jelly structure that is made from bracken starch. It is eaten with sweet soybean flour きなこ or dark molasses 黒蜜(くろみつ).

Would it look a little cooler if I served it in a glass bowl? I want to practice with my camera, too.
I put a little too much soybean flour(きなこ) on it.

soybean flour(きなこ)
Soybean flour is a powder made from roasted, peeled and ground soybeans.
In Japan, it is sold in packages like this.

Nutrition of soybean flour
Kinako (soybean flour) contains a lot of protein and is rich in dietary fiber. It also contains many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. 
It also increases good bacteria due to soy oligosaccharides. In order for the oligosaccharide to work effectively, health-conscious people often mix it with yogurt.🤗

How to use
Kinako, sweetened with sugar, is used to dip rice cakes in, or mixed into cookie dough. Tossing it with macaroni has also become popular recently as an easy home snack.
It is also delicious when mixed with butter and honey to make a creamy mixture and spread on bread.

I remember my mother pouring it over my rice when I was little. The slightly sweetened rice was my favorite. Be careful not to breathe on it, or the soybean flour will fly off.😂

I've also introduced these wagashi.
🔶Summer wagashi (Waka-ayu, Kohaku-tou)


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