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The company drinking party in Japan (2)

In the previous article, I explained the purpose of company drinking parties and how to make a toast.

Especially for those who have just joined the company, participating in a drinking party is a good opportunity for them to get to know you and hear about any concerns you usually have about your work.

Don't forget to say thank you the day after the drinking party.
Remember that a company drinking party is an official event.
It's good to relax and have fun, but be careful not to act or say too much.

If you have to work the day after the party, be careful not to drink too much. Never miss work the next day, even if we have a hangover. This is the hard part of drinking on weekdays.πŸ˜…
Don't forget to say thank the members you had fun with on the morning after the party. Especially to your boss who paid for your meal, we always say, "Thank you for yesterday."

It's hard to schedule a drinking party.
Company drinking parties take up private time, so we will not be paid for that time. However, depending on the nature of the party, the company or our boss may subsidize the cost of the meal.

Most people do not refuse invitations to company drinking parties unless they have a good reason.
I myself am not averse to company drinking parties. In fact, I like them. Talking with people from departments I don't usually interact with makes my work easier, and I get to know a side of my boss and colleagues that I didn't know existed.

However, to be honest, there are some things I would like to decline. For example, there are so many drinking parties during the months of December and January. There are small drinking parties for each department and large drinking parties for the whole company, and it's hard to coordinate the schedule.

How to survive a company drinking party
There are some people who may not like company drinking parties. If that's the case, here are some things you can do to help.

1. Don't pay too much attention
Don't worry too much about manners or what you say. Many bosses will forgive a little rudeness, so as long as you don't overdo it, you should be fine.

2. Have a topic of conversation ready.
If you have a small topic of conversation ready, you may be able to start a conversation from there.
If you are not a good conversationalist, preparing a variation of the word "η›Έ(あい)γ₯けaizuchi" may help you create a pleasant atmosphere without having to speak yourself.

"ζœ¬ε½“(ほんとう)ですか?Oh, really? "
"すごいですね!Wow, that's amazing! "
and so on.
Keep a smile on your face. People who enjoy listening to others are popular everywhere.πŸ‘

3. Sit away from people you don't like
One of the best things about drinking party is that you can talk to people you don't usually talk to.
However, if there is someone you really don't like, one way is to sit far away from them.
On the other hand, if you sit with people you like, you may be able to have a good time.

4. leave your seat
Some people have a bad attitude after drinking alcohol.😣 If you feel like you're about to have a bad experience, one way is to pretend to go to the bathroom and leave your seat. If you can sit in a free seat, sit in a different seat when you come back.😁

Generation Z doesn't like beer.
Do you remember the results of a survey in a recent post that showed a decrease in the percentage of beer lovers in their 20s?

It was reported in the media that the lifestyle of the generation in their early twenties has changed dramatically.

That generation is "Generation Z," which refers to people born between 1995 and 2009. Their consumption behavior is steady and they do not waste much money. They value their private time.

The newcomers in my company were the same way. I got the impression that they hadn't experienced much drinking in large groups during their school days. They didn't like beer and preferred to drink sweet cocktails. I was a little surprised, as I had never met a man who drank sweet cocktails before.
However, I liked their style of drinking whatever they liked, however they liked it.
They also tend not to participate in drinking parties too often.
With the change in our working style, we are gradually becoming able to refuse drinking parties more than before.

Is it okay to turn down a drinking party?
Unless you have a serious problem, try to make arrangements to attend events such as welcome and farewell parties, year-end parties, New Year's parties, and general meetings that almost everyone attends.
It is not rude to turn down other drinking parties in moderation, as long as you attend the eventful ones.

Drinking parties have many benefits, but there are times when you may not want to attend them, such as when they are too frequent or when they are full of complaints.

How to say no without hurting your relationship
There are three steps to remember: 
(1) First, say "Thank you for asking me" or "Thank you for inviting me" to express your gratitude for the invitation.
(2) The next step is to explain why you can't attend. The key is to give a reason that the other person can understand. "A typical reason would be "I have a prior engagement," "I'm not feeling well," "I have things to do," or "I'm studying for a certification.
(3) Finally, conclude with an apology to the other person, such as "I'm sorry," "I'm terribly sorry," or "It pains me to say this. 

This is the formula for how to say no, and it can be used both in e-mails and verbally.


How the drinking party has changed, in the covid-19 pandemic.
There was a period of time in Japan when a state of emergency or so was declared and alcohol was no longer served in restaurants.
I don't think any company is currently having drinking parties. Some companies may have switched to online drinking parties.
In my company, we haven't had a drinking party for two years.

The reactions around me have been mixed: some say they are sad, others say they are relieved.

As for myself, it would be nice to have a chance at three times a year to talk with my boss and coworkers about our thoughts and feelings about work that we can't talk about at work. A small group meeting would be fine, though.

When we talk over a drink, we can come up with unexpected good ideas.

Communication is the key to success at work.
I think we need to be creative in our communication with newcomers and subordinates. It may be necessary to show an open-minded atmosphere so that they can feel free to talk about their thoughts and worries at any time.
Bite-sized snacks are useful in such situations.

It is no exaggeration to say that communication is the key to success at work in Japan.


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