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Why don't Japanese people say "I love you"? (2)

Today's article is a continuation of the previous article, "Why don't Japanese people say I love you?
Click here for the previous article

Japanese people don't say many direct words of love.
In Japan, there is no custom of kissing or hugging. They also don't say direct words of love very often.
This may have something to do with the characteristics of Japanese houses.

Characteristics of Traditional Japanese Houses
Compared to the rest of the world, Japanese houses are small.
In order to make efficient use of a small house, 襖(ふすま)fusuma (sliding doors) are used instead of walls or doors between rooms in traditional Japanese houses.
Fusuma can be used as movable partitions to freely change the layout of the rooms.

In summer, you can remove the fusuma to create a spacious and cool space with a breeze, and in winter, you can close the fusuma to increase the heating effect.

In the old days, weddings and funerals were often held at home, and by removing the fusuma doors, a large room could be created to accommodate a large number of guests.
In addition, a room that is usually used widely can be partitioned into fusuma (sliding doors) to create a room for guests.

Although the sliding doors are very convenient, they are not airtight, so we can feel the presence of our family members even if they are in the next room across the sliding doors.

The Custom of Babies and Parents Sleeping Together
In Japan, there has always been a custom for babies and their parents to sleep in the same room, and even today, in most households, parents and babies sleep together.
This is not only because of the small size of the house, but also because of the traditional value that it is good for parents and children to be closely involved in raising their children.

Today, 40% to 50% of children in elementary school still sleep with their parents.


Sleeping styles vary from family to family, but one of the most common sleeping styles with infants is the "川(かわ)の字(字)river figure" sleeping style.
In this sleeping style, the child is in the middle and the parents are at both ends. It looks like the kanji for "川(かわ)river," doesn't it?
It is said that children grow up feeling the love and affection of both parents.
I used to sleep in the  "川(かわ)の字(字)river figure" until I was in elementary school.

The Habit of Reading Between the Lines
My mother used to say that as soon as she heard a baby crying, she would know the cause.
Was it hungry, a wet diaper, or just sleepy?
She quickly did what I wanted so as not to wake up my father who was sleeping with us.

If we sleep together every day, we may come to understand the emotions of babies who cannot speak.
The same thing can be said for babies. They grow up observing the words, actions, and emotions of their mothers, who have been living in close proximity to them since birth.

It's not just in the bedroom.
In Japan, where private rooms are not part of the culture, people have long lived in close proximity to other family members.
Today, houses are becoming more Westernized, and most of them use walls and doors instead of sliding doors to create private rooms. However, since the houses themselves are small, it is impossible to live without feeling each other's presence.

It may be an everyday occurrence for us Japanese to read the health and emotions of our family members through their trivial words and actions.

I believe that maybe we didn't need to use direct words of love because we could feel it without saying "I love you" to each other.

In my next article, I would like to talk about this in more detail. See you soon.


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