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Why don't Japanese people say "I love you"? (3)

Today's article is a continuation of the previous article, "Why don't Japanese people say I love you?
This is the third article in the series.
If you haven't read it yet, please read it from the beginning.

In my previous article, I talked about the cultural background of Japanese people's understanding of other people's emotions through trivial facial expressions and actions.

Due to our cultural background and education, I believe that Japanese people have a very high capacity for empathy. I have often heard people who have traveled to Japan say that many people are kind to them when they visit Japan. This may be because we Japanese feel as if we are the ones who are in trouble when people around us are in trouble.

This cultural background may also be the reason why we can feel each other's love without directly saying words of love.

Instead of words of love
For example, my parents are very close to each other and I can see from my daughter's point of view that they love each other very much. However, I have never seen them say love words to each other or have skin-to-skin contact. Literally "never".

What kind of behavior would make me understand that they love each other?

🔸When my father carefully tends to the garden and produces beautiful flowers, he puts them in a vase and displays them. (My mother loves flowers.)
🔸My mother brags to me, "Thanks to him, I have seen beautiful roses again this year.
🔸Because the weather is nice, they go for a walk together.
🔸Whenever she cooks for the family, she always includes one of my father's favorite dishes.
🔸"Her food is always delicious," my father would say.

Instead of saying "I love you," they give each other lots of "thank yous" and small gifts. This may be the Japanese way of saying "I love you.

However, the way we feel and the way we like to express our affection vary among Japanese people. Of course, there are those who want a lot of direct expressions of affection.
Confirming and discussing each other's feelings and preferences is a necessary part of any long term relationship.

Even close relationships require courtesy.
However, there is also an unfortunate pattern of being overly indulgent in this empathy.  This is the case when, after a long time as a family, partners take for granted what they have done for each other respectively. They don't even express gratitude or use words like "thank you", let alone words of love.
Gratitude and a smile are very important.
This is the way we Japanese express their love.

In Japan, there is a saying, 
「親(した)しき仲(なか)にも礼儀(れいぎ)あり "Even close relationships require courtesy."」
It means that if you are too close or have too deep a relationship with someone, you may become careless and do something rude to them, which may damage our relationship.

How do Japanese people express their dissatisfaction to their partner?
In the course of a relationship, there may be times when both partners feel small frustrations.
Compared to other people around the world, Japanese people may not be as good at communicating this to their partner.

In my next article, I would like to talk about this, including my own experience. See you soon 😉.



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