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Why don't Japanese people say "I love you"? (5)

Hello, I'm Mog, a Japanese born and raised in Japan.
This is the last installment of a four-part series on why Japanese people don't say "I love you".

What does your partner do for you that makes you feel loved?
A friend who has been reading this series sent me a link to an interesting quiz.
There are many different ways to express love. Words, time spent together, things done for you, gifts, physical touch. This is a quiz to find out which of these ways you feel love 😉.

What was the result?
What does your partner do for you that makes you feel loved?

I asked several of my Japanese friends to take this quiz, and the answers were quite different. Even among the same Japanese people, there are different ways of feeling love. In this series of articles, I have written about the cultural background of the Japanese, but that is only one perspective. The way you feel and think about love differs depending on your partner's personality, family environment, and the way they were raised.

In the end, I guess there is no other way but to learn about each other through observation and dialogue. It may be a good idea to use quizzes like this as a starting point for dialogue. However, I think it is necessary to keep in mind that the results may not always be correct.

I have talked about this subject with my friends. I am grateful that I have friends who take these conversations seriously. Here are my own conclusions.

What if you have different priorities for the affection you want to receive from each other?
Compatibility is not only about priorities of affection. It is unlikely that you and your partner will have exactly the same priorities in terms of affection. However, if you can make your partner happy, you will want to give them the love they want. Maybe that is what love is.
In order to understand each other, it may be important to carefully observe and discuss what makes the other person happy and what makes them sad.

How to make it easier to communicate small complaints
A friend of mine was told by her partner, "Let's promise to solve our frustrations by the end of the day with each other.
She is not good at verbalizing small complaints, but now that her partner has said it, she can preface it by saying, "It's a small thing, but it's a promise I made to you, so let me tell you one thing.."

It is very important to speak while choosing words that will not hurt the other person before small complaints accumulate. Japanese people who are not used to this will have to practice it over and over again. Conversely, those who have Japanese partners may need to make an effort to sense their partner's emotions by observing their facial expressions, words and actions.

A relationship that requires effort and patience on the part of only one of us will not last. It would be wonderful if we could work together to find ways to make each other feel comfortable through flexible thinking. I believe that assertiveness, empathy, and flexible thinking are all essential elements in building communication.

There are not only cultural differences in international relationships, but also language barriers.
A friend of mine, who has an American father and a Japanese mother, told me this.
"She said, "My parents basically speak English, so when they fight, my mother is sometimes at a bit of a disadvantage.
The possibility that your partner may not be able to express his or her mind accurately in words may be necessary in an international relationship.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long column. I am still in the process of learning about communication, and I still have a lot of trouble with it. However, this was a good opportunity for me to think deeply about it.

And let me say it one last time. My friends, I can't tell you how much you have inspired me by reading this blog and sharing your thoughts with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
"I love you💕"
「I love you💕」


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